All Band Students
Due Friday, August 16th
The Band Handbook describes how the band program works as a whole. It is a document that Mr. Ostrow and administrators follow for our band students. Band is a special "co-curricular" class. That means that the class meets during the day, but we sometimes meet before or after school. The handbook includes topics on curriculum, grading, attire, rules, procedures, a calendar and more. If you would like to read all of it, please click here.
The last two pages (pages 12 and 13) were provided to your child in their band class. ALL BAND STUDENTS need to be complete and return this to your child's class folder by Friday, August 16th. This is a graded assignment.
The last two pages (pages 12 and 13) were provided to your child in their band class. ALL BAND STUDENTS need to be complete and return this to your child's class folder by Friday, August 16th. This is a graded assignment.