Important Band/Advocacy Sites:
- FMEA - Florida Music Educators Association.
- Music Advocacy: Here you can learn about what music educators in the state of Florida are doing.
- FBA - Florida Band Master's Association.
- Here you can find information about All State and Solo and Ensemble events as well as MPA (Music Performance Assessment) information.
- MENC - Music Educator's National Conference.
- If you have been accepted as an All-State performer, you can find performance/convention information here.
- Lemon Bay High Band
- Go Mantas!
- Friends for the Advancement of Musical Education Inc. is a non-profit 501-c3 organization that raises funds in the community through a weekend long music festival usually hosted in November somewhere in Englewood. The last two years, FAME has raised more than 18k for the music programs at Ainger MS and Lemon Bay HS. We owe much appreciation and gratitude to the members of FAME and the bands that perform to support us.
- Smart Music
- This is a great computer-based practice tool with an extensive music library. You can order this program for home use for only $40 a year; however, you will require a computer, internet access, and a microphone. This program also has the method book, Sound Innovations Book 1, that we use in class.
Metronome, Music Dictionary, Music Theory (Reading), Ear Training, and Music History Sites:
- Free Online Metronome.
- Always practice with a metronome!
- Music Dictionary
- If you don't know what that musical word means, look it up here.
- Music Theory
- Fundamentals of how music works can be found here along with online practice drills.
- Ear-training
- For the advanced listener- learn how to identify intervals and harmonies. It is highly recommended that you visit the Music Theory Sites listed above first.
- Music History
- The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra led by Conductor Michael Tilson Thomas explores the life and music of GREAT classical composers.
- FREE Music Software
- Online music tools and games. Over 50!
Instruments and Accessories:
Recommended Instrument and Accessories Selection Guide - Don't rent or purchase an instrument without looking this over.
- Cadence Music
- Cadence is Ainger's main instrument renter, repair shop, and accessory provider. Cadence brings affordable prices and great service from Fort Myers throughout the school year to local schools in the area. Cadence usually stops by Ainger every two weeks. If an instrument needs to be repaired, ask him for an instrument loaner ahead of time.
- Ace Drums
- This store will have some of what you need, but is primarily a drum and guitar shop. They do host private lessons!
- Woodwind Brasswind
- This is a great site to purchase both instruments and accessories at a discounted price.
- Muncy Winds
- Another option for purchasing.
- Pro Winds
- Another option...
Band Music and Sheet Music:
- JW Pepper
- This is a great sheet music dealer. If you need to purchase music for solo and ensemble, you can do so here.
- Barnhouse
- Band Repetoire provider.
- Dorn Publications.
- Another sheet music dealer.
Basic Band.
This is a GREAT resource for young players that play the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or percussion.
Army Field Band.
Another amazing resource! The United States Army Field Band has produced a series of instructional videos for distribution to music educators nationwide. These videos cover a wide range of topics, including a brief history of each instrument and methods for improving tone, technique, intonation, and ensemble.
Sight Reading Factory
Do you want to read music like you read a book! It's called "sight reading" in music. This is a great site to help you learn to sight read music better!
Music Therapy
This site has many links devoted to music therapy for children with special needs.