This fundraiser is for all band students! It is the Band Booster's hope that this will greatly reduce the cost for all band students for of our end of year trip to Universal Studios. At our September Booster meeting, the Board voted to have 70% of this fundraiser go towards reducing the cost of the trip to help make it accessible for all band students. Universal Studios Trip details and a payment plan will be advertised in January/February.
Here are a few highlights:
Here are a few highlights:
- We are NOT just selling candles, we are raising funding for the band to go to Universal Studios
- Students have been asked to reach their goal of selling 10 candles each!
- Students can collect funding in-person or sell online at
- If you choose to sell online, make sure to put Ainger Middle School and the Students Name under Comments for school and student credit. Details about that can be found here
- All candles are $12 each. The band will receive 50% of the profit. KISS is a local Charlotte County company from Punta Gorda
- Checks can be made out to "Ainger Band Boosters"
- For students selling in-person, orders and payments are due on Monday, October 18th
- There are prizes for students that sell 10, 20, 50, and 100 candles or more!