Following our spring concerts, students completed a band intent google form. Students that indicated that they wanted to continue next year were given a band intent letter and spoken with individually by Mr. Ostrow. This letter went home and was returned by students with parent signatures and then marked received in FOCUS for the 4th quarter.
We are returning to ability-based ensembles next year (it was grade-level this year for COVID concerns). Students auditioned for these ensembles in May through their scales assessment exam (semester 1 exams were also taken into account) which took place in the band room. Mr. Ostrow listened to every student in the band program and assessed each performance based off a scales rubric.
Below is the recommended class lists that were submitted to the front office scheduler for the 7/8th grade mixed ensembles. Students are identified by their school ID numbers. Please note, this does not guarantee placement in these ensembles as other factors such as TAG classes, low test scores, and other requests often might interfere. If you have a concern with your child's placement, please contact Mr. Ostrow at [email protected]
We are returning to ability-based ensembles next year (it was grade-level this year for COVID concerns). Students auditioned for these ensembles in May through their scales assessment exam (semester 1 exams were also taken into account) which took place in the band room. Mr. Ostrow listened to every student in the band program and assessed each performance based off a scales rubric.
Below is the recommended class lists that were submitted to the front office scheduler for the 7/8th grade mixed ensembles. Students are identified by their school ID numbers. Please note, this does not guarantee placement in these ensembles as other factors such as TAG classes, low test scores, and other requests often might interfere. If you have a concern with your child's placement, please contact Mr. Ostrow at [email protected]